Comparing Real Life Hypnotherapy Sessions and Hypnotherapy Apps, Pros and Cons of Each

Hypnotherapy Sessions Vs. Hypnotherapy Apps
Table of Contents

Apps vs. Therapists: Can Hypnotherapy Apps Be Just as Effective as Live Sessions? 

Hypnotherapy apps can provide some benefits and may be helpful for certain individuals, but they generally cannot replace the effectiveness of live sessions with a qualified hypnotherapist. Here are some factors to consider when comparing hypnotherapy apps to live sessions:

  • Personalisation and Customization: A qualified hypnotherapist can tailor the hypnotherapy sessions to your specific needs, preferences, and goals. They can adapt the techniques and suggestions based on your individual circumstances and provide personalised support throughout the process. Hypnotherapy apps, on the other hand, typically offer pre-recorded sessions that may not be as customizable or responsive to your unique needs.
  • Expertise and Experience: A qualified hypnotherapist has extensive training, experience, and expertise in hypnosis techniques and therapeutic interventions. They can provide guidance, feedback, and support based on their clinical knowledge and understanding of human behaviour. Hypnotherapy apps may lack the depth of expertise and personalized guidance that a live therapist can offer.
  • Interactivity and Feedback: During live hypnotherapy sessions, you have the opportunity to interact with the hypnotherapist, ask questions, and receive feedback in real-time. This interactive aspect can enhance the therapeutic process and ensure that your needs are being addressed effectively. Hypnotherapy apps typically do not offer the same level of interactivity or personalised feedback.
  • Accountability and Motivation: Working with a live hypnotherapist provides a sense of accountability and motivation to adhere to the treatment plan and engage fully in the therapeutic process. The support and encouragement of a therapist can help you stay committed to your goals and make meaningful progress. Hypnotherapy apps may lack this personal accountability and motivation.
  • Complexity of Issues: Hypnotherapy apps may be suitable for addressing simple or general issues, such as relaxation or stress reduction. However, for more complex or deeply rooted issues, such as trauma, phobias, or behavioural patterns, the expertise of a live hypnotherapist is often necessary to provide appropriate guidance and support.

While hypnotherapy apps can be convenient and accessible, they are not a substitute for live sessions with a qualified hypnotherapist, especially for addressing complex or specific issues. If you’re considering hypnotherapy as a treatment option, it’s essential to consult with a qualified professional who can provide personalised guidance and support tailored to your individual needs.

Convenient Hypnotherapy Apps: Are They Right for Me or Should I See a Live Hypnotherapist?

Deciding between using a convenient hypnotherapy app or seeing a live hypnotherapist depends on several factors, including your personal preferences, the nature of the issue you’re addressing, and your comfort level with self-guided versus guided therapy. The following are some considerations to help you determine which option might be right for you:

  • Nature of the Issue: Hypnotherapy apps may be suitable for addressing general issues such as relaxation, stress reduction, or enhancing self-esteem. However, for more complex or deeply rooted issues such as phobias, trauma, or behavioral patterns, seeing a live hypnotherapist who can provide personalised guidance and support may be more beneficial.
  • Degree of Personalisation: Live hypnotherapy sessions with a qualified therapist offer the advantage of personalized treatment tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and goals. A therapist can adapt techniques, provide feedback, and offer support based on your individual circumstances. Hypnotherapy apps typically provide pre-recorded sessions that may not be as customisable or responsive to your unique needs.
  • Interactivity and Feedback: Live hypnotherapy sessions allow for real-time interaction with the therapist, giving you the opportunity to ask questions, receive feedback, and address concerns as they arise. This interactive aspect can enhance the therapeutic process and ensure that your needs are being addressed effectively. Hypnotherapy apps generally do not offer the same level of interactivity or personalised feedback.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: Hypnotherapy apps offer the advantage of convenience and accessibility, allowing you to access guided hypnosis sessions at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or limited access to in-person therapy. However, it’s essential to ensure that the app you choose is reputable, user-friendly, and aligned with your needs.
  • Cost Considerations: Hypnotherapy apps may be more cost-effective than seeing a live hypnotherapist, as they typically involve a one-time purchase or subscription fee. In contrast, live hypnotherapy sessions often require ongoing payments for each session. Consider your budget and financial resources when deciding between these options.

Ultimately, the decision between using a hypnotherapy app or seeing a live hypnotherapist depends on your preferences, the nature of the issue you’re addressing, and your individual circumstances. It’s essential to choose the option that feels most comfortable and aligned with your needs and goals. If you’re unsure which option is right for you, consider consulting with a qualified hypnotherapist for personalised guidance and recommendations.

The Human Touch Matters: Why Live Hypnotherapy Sessions Offer Unique Benefits Compared to Apps

Live hypnotherapy sessions offer several unique benefits compared to hypnotherapy apps, including:

  • Personalisation
  • Interactivity and Feedback
  • Guidance and Support
  •  Accountability and Motivation
  • Support for Complex of Issues

Overall, live hypnotherapy sessions offer unique benefits compared to hypnotherapy apps, including personalised treatment, interactive feedback, expert guidance, accountability, and support. If you’re considering hypnotherapy as a treatment option, it’s essential to consult with a qualified therapist who can provide personalised guidance and support tailored to your individual needs and goals.


Making the Best Choice: Comparing Pros and Cons of Hypnotherapy Apps and Live Sessions 

Blow is a list of  the pros and cons of both hypnotherapy apps and live sessions:

Hypnotherapy Apps Live Hypnotherapy Sessions
  • Convenience
  • Affordability
  • Accessibility
  • Anonymity
  • Personalised Treatment
  • Interactive Feedback
  • Expert Guidance and Support
  • Accountability and Motivation
  • Lack of Personalisation
  • Limited Interaction
  • Quality Control
  • Inability to Address Complex Issues
  • Cost
  • Limited Availability
  • Perceived Stigma
  • Time Commitment

Hypnotherapy Apps:


  • Convenience: Apps can be accessed anytime, anywhere, providing flexibility for users with busy schedules or limited access to in-person therapy.
  • Affordability: Many hypnotherapy apps offer a one-time purchase or subscription fee, making them more cost-effective than live sessions, which often require ongoing payments.
  • Accessibility: Apps can reach a wider audience, including individuals in remote areas or those who may feel uncomfortable seeking in-person therapy.
  • Anonymity: Some users may prefer the anonymity of using an app, as it allows them to explore hypnotherapy in the privacy of their own space without the perceived stigma of seeking therapy.


  • Lack of Personalisation: Apps typically offer pre-recorded sessions that may not be tailored to individual needs, preferences, or goals, limiting their effectiveness for addressing specific issues.
  • Limited Interaction: Apps lack the real-time interaction and feedback provided by a live therapist, which may hinder progress and engagement in the therapeutic process.
  • Quality Control: The quality and effectiveness of hypnotherapy apps can vary widely, and users may encounter apps that are not evidence-based or developed by qualified professionals.
  • Inability to Address Complex Issues: Apps may be more suitable for general relaxation or stress reduction but may not be effective for addressing complex or deeply rooted issues that require personalised guidance and support.

Live Hypnotherapy Sessions:


  • Personalised Treatment: Live sessions with a qualified therapist offer personalised treatment tailored to individual needs, preferences, and goals, maximizing the effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Interactive Feedback: Sessions allow for real-time interaction and feedback, fostering a collaborative therapeutic relationship and ensuring that issues are addressed effectively.
  • Expert Guidance and Support: Therapists provide expert guidance, support, and interventions based on extensive training and experience, helping clients navigate challenges and achieve meaningful progress.
  • Accountability and Motivation: Working with a therapist provides a sense of accountability and motivation, increasing commitment to treatment goals and facilitating positive change.


  • Cost: Live sessions can be more expensive than using an app, as they often require ongoing payments for each session.
  • Limited Availability: Access to live sessions may be limited by factors such as location, scheduling conflicts, or financial constraints.
  • Perceived Stigma: Some individuals may feel uncomfortable seeking in-person therapy due to perceived stigma or social barriers.
  • Time Commitment: Live sessions require scheduling appointments and committing time to attend sessions, which may be challenging for individuals with busy schedules.

Can Hypnotherapy Apps Be a Helpful Tool on My Journey? Exploring the Pros and Cons 

Ultimately, the choice between hypnotherapy apps and live sessions depends on individual preferences, needs, and circumstances. Both options have their own set of pros and cons, and it’s essential to carefully consider the above mentioned factors when making a decision. If you’re unsure which option is right for you, consider consulting with a qualified hypnotherapist for personalised guidance and recommendations tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Picture of Annemieke Van Dam
Annemieke Van Dam

Transformational, Life and Wellness Coaching and Hypnotherapy
